
almost done


finals will begin next week and be over in july, 8 goddamn exams, two of them lasting a few days and inbetween entrance examination for college "OTL
but then I'm finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally done ´=,D

I forgot to take photos of my portfolio pictures, but I will as soon as I get it back.
And I'll spam with fashion show imags again as soon as I have any! aaahhh, I didn't have my cam with me yesterday but photographed a lot with those of others, and family and friends took pictures as well but ALL cameras and cards are out of my reach currently so I didn't see any photos myself so far "xD

I have WIPs though :D

above, "Naturfasern"-theme
below, "Tornado"-theme

Hope to show you the real things soon ´¦3

When I began to prepare my portfolio, I did little practice in painting again.
I'm currently at the lowest of my skills, I hated to apply at college with things from which I know they could have been done better :( Yet, no time to make 15 entirely new and stunning pictures Dx


  1. Ich kann das glaub' Ich jetzt nicht so gut einschätzen,weil Ich mich mit Mode nicht so gut (/überhaupt nicht) auskenne, aber Ich als Amateur find die Sachen coooool 8)

    Machst Du das dann so richtig professionell?

  2. Das Naturfaser-ding sieht so super (wenn auch at the same time irgendwie gefährlich) aus :,D

    and I demand you show me all photos asap! am besten gezipped oder so :3!

  3. @ katharina: dankeschön, und weiß noch nich :DDDD was heißt professionell? xD ich werd modedesign studieren aber ich plan nich "independet designer" mit eigenem label zu werden, das kann fürchterlich schief gehen :,D
    einfach mal studieren, dann mal schaun lol

    @ukku: why did you leave facebook? >o< dann kannst du alles anschaun :,D aber ich schick dir mal bilder wenn ich paar anständige hab, bisher gibts nur amateur digicam bilder xD
