
we're lacking lightbulbs

exams are over, I moved out from home, college begins in a few days and the flatshare I'm living in now hasn't enough lightbulbs, going to the toilet in the dark...not nice.
I will buy some lightbulbs tomorrow!

Besides, I forgot how to draw. The only "proper" thing I drew in the last couple of month was this

I actually planned to thoroughly draw and practice during summer vacations, but somehow didn't feel like it. It's weird,...when I had exams keeping me busy I longed for drawing, then, when I was finally getting free time, I rather enjoyed....photographing!
I own my DSLR for around two years now but learned just now how to handle it rightly. a bit.

attention, picture spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam;

Back in may I was quite fond of capturing the insects visiting me while I was studying

reminisce about summer ):

Shootings with...

my little sister


Aileen & Nino

animals in the zoo

eehhh and It's been a while but I was asked about that headpiece my group wore for the fashion show, here you go


  1. boah, einfach nur BOAH ;_; die fotos sehn einfach nur total professionell aus, wie aus direkt ausm modemagazin! ... aber manche laden nicht richtig, oder liegt das nur an mir? <_<

  2. daaaaanke dir >3<

    uuh, ein link von den tierchen war kaputt, habs repariert, hoffentlich funktionieren jetzt alle. Blogspot war wieder extrem unwillig diesen post aussehen zu lassen wie ich das will ¦D

  3. Die Fotos sind echt grandios! :O
